Saturday, June 28, 2008

In Which I Ramble. Again. :)

I haven't updated this in like a billion years. :)

I'm the kind of the person that doesn't like talking to people, including cashiers. Especially in small places. It took me months to be able to talk normally to the guy at the CD store when I order my CDs. And now that I'm at my dad's and cut off from that CD store [since I'm in a different state...], I asked my step-sisters' cousin to ask his friends about local (small) music stores. xD I got some answers, but I think I might have to order stuff and I really really really hate talking to people, so that'll be something not so awesome. Nothing's awesome here except for the fact that one of my favorite bands is from here. But that's about the only awesome thing.


I miss people. [Which was to be expected, but whatever.] And I'm bored. [Which was also to be expected. It sucks anyway.]

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