Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I start making mix CDs for my car and forget in the middle and end up with a ton of playlsits named variations of "car cd" on my iTunes. I have a different mood for each different CD; the two I have right now are really varied, and I've been wanting a mostly-acoustic, easy to sing to, summery kind of CD, despite the fact that it's nearing September. I also want a country mix CD, because I find myself craving Brooks and Dunn and George Strait when I'm driving home from school.

Jimmy Buffett's Songs You Know By Heart is probably one of my favorite CDs because of the memories it brings back.

I'm tired but working on my English homework. I really need to study for my Spanish quiz as well, but I'm taking one thing at a time.

I have so much to do... I really need to just DO stuff, but I would rather do stuff that I WANT to do. My grandfather/the guy that talked at a senior initiation kinda thing essentially said that the easier the classes, the better, because if they're too hard, it just becomes work. Which is not what you want. Ugh.

I wish I liked/cared about learning.

Kenny Chesneyyyy. <3

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