Wednesday, April 28, 2010


there are so many things i'd rather do than read my government chapters.
i could take pictures or read blogs or watch house and parenthood on hulu or look at the most recent uploads on flickr or pretend i'm doing homework or play path pix pro on my ipod touch or shower or finish addressing my graduation announcements or wash my face or summarize science articles or read a magazine that i don't even like.
but i really should just read for government...

Thursday, April 22, 2010


i'm officially obsessed with flickr.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010


after a few mini-meltdowns about college and graduation and what the hell i'm ever going to do with a journalism degree (all courtesy of the interrogation by family friends this weekend), i think i'm going to be okay.
i have the next four years to worry about what i'm going to do with my life.

and i have the next ... 53 days to worry about passing calculus.


i have a text message that i should probably read, but my phone is charging seven feet away and checking that text requires me to get out of bed, move my computer, take my earbuds out, and actually WALK over to my phone.
so not worth it.

... so i got up and checked and it's a facebook update.