Monday, December 24, 2007

Nothing's Left In The Cup

Listening to: Crooked Teeth by Death Cab for Cutie
What I Should Be Doing: Sleeping or wrapping Christmas presents
I'm Also: Reading stuff on the Sims 2 exchange, browsing deviantArt, playing Solitaire, and half-editing a video

Okay, so a few minutes ago, the song Johnny Ain't Coming Home by 86'd started playing on my iTunes. I was going to skip it, but changed my mind for no reason after maximizing iTunes. I looked for my rating for it, 'cause I couldn't remember what it was. I looked at the top of the screen and saw a five star rating and for a few seconds, I honestly thought that I rated it five stars because of the title of the song. I don't know why, but I was convinced that was why I'd rated it so high. But it turned out that I'd been looking at Paralyzed by The Used and that I'd actually rated Johnny two stars. xD

The Sims 2 + Webcomics = Amazing. =)

I adore Motion City Soundtrack. Really. :)

I can't tell whether I'm happy or sad. I'm still in shock/denial over two deaths. I feel bad, because I know their spouses and siblings and children feel so much worse than I do, and they can't escape it... At least I can pretend none of it happened. I don't know how/want to deal with any of it.

Stomach cancer sucks.

OH EM GEE. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE. Do people even say that?

Well, it's Christmas Eve now, since it's 12:20 AM. =)

I really want iTunes money.

I suddenly am craving white cheddar macaroni and cheese. That had to be the most random craving EVER. I don't even LIKE white cheddar macaroni and cheese...

If I had to recommend a CD to somebody, I'd have trouble choosing between This Providence's self-titled album, On Fire by The Higher, and The Kicks of Passion by Powerspace. For some reason, those are the three I'm in love with right now, even though I love a ton of my other CDs...

Poetic Tragedy by The Used = love.

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