What I Should Be Doing: Showering and/or doing homework
Okay, I saw The Academy Is... live last night. They were AMAZING. Which wasn't surprising, 'cause the other two times I've seen them live, they were crazy awesome. =) I think they're my favorite band to see live. Anyway. They were really awesome and we were really close to the stage and I had an awesome time. I think that was my favorite concert. Then Panic! at the Disco, then My Chemical Romance, then Fall Out Boy. It might’ve been because it was my first concert not in an arena, though.
Yeah. And my friend, Anna, and I were like determined to meet the band. So we waited outside their tour bus for like thirty minutes. xD There was a huge crowd of people and then this random girl came out and said they weren’t signing autographs, so we were upset, but we stayed anyway with about twenty other people... Like ten people actually went inside the tour bus and they got to take pictures with the band. That made me SO mad. x( I saw Mike [my favorite guy in the band. xP] taking a picture with some kid through the window of the tour bus and I tried to get a picture of him through the glass but he moved and my camera’s old and mean. (He was on the other side of the stage from us so all the pictures I took of him sucked, ‘cause my camera like didn’t pick up any of the light.) Anyway, Jack the camera guy [who I actually saw before any of the bands even started, but I was too shocked to stop him to ask for a pic. =( I wish I had...] came out of the bus and I asked him if I could hug him, but he just told the crowd that he’d be right back and left. And didn’t come back. At least not while we were there. Then I started doing cartwheels in front of the bus, mostly because I was bored. =D I hugged the tour bus and then The Butcher came out and we were all just like “BUTCHER!” But he left. Like he walked away. I got a pic of him walking away, but that was it, and it’s just really dark and you can’t see anything but something that may have been his foot. xP So now my babysitter/chaperone/friend is starting to get impatient and comes over to tell us we have five more minutes. Our ride was already there and we’d already been waiting outside the bus for like twenty five minutes... She kept trying to convince us that they weren’t going to come out... But we waited for another five minutes and then BILL [William Beckett] comes out. My friends and I are just like “... BILL!” He also said he’d be right back and we were just like “RAWR. Everyone’s ignoring us.”
But this time, he actually did come back. =) He said he couldn’t sign stuff for all the people and take pictures with everybody, but he was really nice about it. He looked exhausted, but he signed my shoe, signed Anna’s poster, signed Whitney’s ticket receipt, took pictures with all three of us, and signed everybody else’s things. And took pictures with a ton of people. It was actually really amazing. I asked him to tell Mike that he was my hero. I doubt he will, but I don’t mind. =D It was most definitely one of the most awesome experiences of my life. We left after we took pictures with him, ‘cause our ride was waiting, but my friends and I wanted to wait to see if the rest of the band would come out... I hope they didn’t. Ah well, if they come back here, I’m SERIOUSLY gonna go and be like “Bill, you signed my shoe last time, can I get everybody else’s autograph please?” xD
I love all the guys [as much as you can when you don’t really know them. xP], but Bill’s actually one of my least favorite. Or tied in third. I think tied. With Sisky... Anyway. I like him a lot more now, because of how nice he was... My friend was trying to take a picture of me and him with my camera and didn’t know how to work it and it was taking forever so she kept apologizing and we’re all just standing there like “Sorry!” and he was all “It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” And he asked everybody for gum and nobody had any except for one girl that had had a piece in her pocket during the concert. She gave it to him, but it was all melty-ish and stuck to the wrapper. He tried to open it and she apologized for it being kinda disgusting. He just like smiled and was all “It’s okay. I’m going to keep it anyway just to remember how nice that was.” He put it in his pocket. My friends and I were just like “You’re my hero.” :)
Haha, I froze up when I saw Bill standing in a room backstage when we were walking back from the bathroom, but when I took a picture with him, I was just like “Oh, hi, normal person...” xP And then today in my English class, it hit me. WE MET WILLIAM BECKETT. HE SIGNED MY SHOE AND TOOK A PICTURE WITH ME. AND I WAS WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE REST OF THE ACADEMY IS...! I was taking a test, and I started thinking about it and I just sat there with a stupid grin on my face for like ten minutes. I smiled for like three more classes, too. =) Last night seriously made my life. We got there around 6:30 so we’d get close to the stage and TAI didn’t go on until 10. xD Sherwood played first, then The Rocket Summer, then Armor for Sleep, and finally TAI. Sherwood’s cool and so is Armor for Sleep, but I seriously dislike The Rocket Summer... He sounds like a twelve year old. Or a girl. xD Anyway, when they were setting up for The Academy Is... to go on, Tony walked out on stage and my friend and I were just like “TONY!” I took like ten pictures of him, three or four of James/Jimmy [I can’t remember his name!], and one of Mikey [Butcher’s assistant/tech guy. xD]. Anna and I kept yelling Tony’s name, ‘cause we were all “DUDEYOU’REONTAITVANDIKNOWWHOYOUAREANDILOVEYOU.” The girl next to us looked REALLY annoyed and said something about us being idiots to her friend, but her friend took like ALL the guitar picks Chislett threw into the crowd, a towel one of the bands used, and two half full water bottles one of the bands had been drinking out of, so I really didn’t care.
My ears are still ringing from last night. We were like three feet from the HUGE speakers. xD I loved it so much. I’m SO glad we went. *dances* I complained for like twenty – thirty minutes afterward and then I was like “WHYAMICOMPLAINING!? I freaking LOVED it!” We got home about 12:40 AM and I hadn’t finished storyboarding for Digital Video so I did that while my friends fell asleep. x( But I got to bed around 1:15, so it wasn’t that bad. I got 5 hours of sleep, my ears are ringing, I haven’t showered in two days, I smell from the “pit”, and I haven’t taken the wristband from the club off yet. =D I can’t believe how amazing it was. At least three times during the show, I felt like I was going to pass out from the screaming and the heat and the jumping up and down and how badly my neck hurt. Like, I was seriously so lightheaded that I couldn’t remember the words to the last two songs and my knees were weak when I left the place. But it was SO MUCH FUN. I would totally do it again. xD
Only bad thing = I have nothing to look forward to now. Like nothing.
The end of the school year?
Yeah, I wrote this on Wednesday, October 4. But it's going up on Wednesday, October 10, because our internet connection SUCKS.


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