Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I’m Bad at Making Friends

Listening to: I Caught Fire by The Used
What I Should Be Doing: Rereading the Chemistry chapters

Um. We went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner, and I annoyed my mom to the point where she wouldn’t talk to me anymore. xD But I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just trying to look for the best in people, rather than automatically assuming they all suck. *nod*

I asked her what she would do if she had never seen me before and I asked if I could hug her. She said she’d probably walk away [like Jack the camera guy. Though all I really wanted was a picture with him... Or just of him. xD] and then she was all “Think about their daily lives and how people are always like ‘ILOVEYOU!’ and how they’re just using him and stuff.” [I had told her earlier that I yelled “ILOVEYOU” to one of the guys that was setting up for TAI.] I was like “How am I using him?!” and she’s like “Well, you don’t really love him; love’s not a one way relationship” or something and I’m just like “... I know that. I didn’t tell the camera guy that I loved him, I just wanted a picture of him.” And she goes into how they’re all on drugs ‘cause it’s easy and how they all get married and then get divorced ‘cause they don’t try or something. And I’m just like “Yeah. But you don’t know that the camera guy’s on drugs or that the band even is.” And then my brother’s all “You just said that because they’re famous and that’s the only reason you like them.” And I’m like “NO! They’re crazy awesome and they’re really not all that famous and they’re not even IN THE BAND!”

Basically everyone got ticked off.

And then I said that I hated college and asked if I had to pay for gas [which I was really just wondering about] and by the end of it all, my mom was really mad. Yeah.

I dunno. I’m not gonna assume that everybody in every band is on drugs. I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt. That’s kind of unreasonable anyway. I dunno. It’s dumb.

My brother’s fortune cookie fortune was “If your cookie is in two pieces, the answer is yes.” I love that SO much that it’s not funny. xD

I’m getting my wisdom teeth, which SUCKS. There’s this flap of skin and it’s all raw/sore and it hurts. =( And today just kinda stunk. X(

I’m totally gonna bring my laptop to school tomorrow to post all the crud. Except I can’t get to YouTube or check my mail. But OH WELL.

If we watch my footage tomorrow, I’ll scream.

My dogs chewed up my cell phone. *face* I’m mad. At least it still works.

I wrote this on the 8th. It's going up on the 10th. Deal.

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