Listening to: You're Crashing, But You're No Wave by Fall Out Boy
What I Should Be Doing: Absolutely nothing unfortunately.
Today was awesome. And then I got in the car to come home.
Like, I actually had fun at school. I yelled at a bunch of idiots in the lunch line [there were about forty (okay, so there weren't FORTY. BUT THERE WERE A LOT! xP) of them all trying to shove their way up the lunch line and they were getting really obnoxious, so... xD] in front of the dean of students and he didn't care. xD I coughed on the ones that didn't listen to me, also... It was fun. I always have fun yelling at people. Seriously. It like makes my day about twenty times better. 'Cept for the adrenaline rush after. =)
We did absolutely nothing in History, which is also freaking amazing. That was fun, too. xD And then I went to English with my group to finish our questions for a socratic seminar and after stress and craziness, we goofed off and it was fun too. :P
And I was really looking forward to this weekend [ALL FRICKING WEEK TOO] because my friend was s'posed to stay with me [my parents and my siblings were gonna go on a mission trip], and we basically hang out and do random crud, and it's AMAZING. xD They're usually my favorite weekends like ever. =P
And then I get in the car.
And my friend's all "Yeah, your mom apparently didn't go on the mission trip." And I'm like "... WHAT!?!?!"
And, not even kidding, it ruined my day. My sister's supposedly sick [which, seriously, I don't believe, because I've seen her running around, and she's eating candy and buttered pasta and just CRUD, while her "stomach hurts." LIES.] and that's why my mom's staying. But really, my friend coulda watched her. We usually both stay anyway...
Since then, I've been yelled at for not having all A's [IT'S A FRICKING FINE ART. DIGITAL VIDEO DOESN'T MATTER.] and I'm going to be forced to watch a movie with my sister and mom later and I don't want to. At all.
Plus, my friend was s'posed to stay with us next weekend too, but my mom's all "I might stay home" so that really sucks. And "I might stay home" pretty much means "I'LLBEHERE." And that sucks because we never see my friend. =(
And I ranted about my mom not letting me go to a venue unless the band was Christian and how she thinks "tattoos = bad people" and how I've missed like four concerts in the past week 'cause she wouldn't lemme go to any of them. And even THINKING about that makes me want to cry.
Like, I freaking live for concerts and music and that crud. I don't care about like anything else. [Pathetic, but completely true.]
So. Today sucks.
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