What I Should Be Doing: Reading Act 3 of Macbeth, reading 50 pages of crud about Augustus for Latin, reading two chapters for WHAP, doing my Algebra 2 homework
I'm Also: Checking my e-mail and playing solitaire
Okay. We were in the library on the computers today in my history class, and my friend Allie went to www.yahoo.com [instead of planning her timed writing like she was supposed to be doing. xD I didn't do mine either...] She said something about really liking that one of the featured articles was called "Clowns 'Universally Disliked' by Children." There were a few other articles, including one called "4 Factors That Make a Man Want To Marry." We were joking around and told her to click on that. She did.
This is what came up:
Four factors that make a man want to marry:
1. Antimatter
2. Antimatter
3. Antimatter
4. Antimatter
I think this is hilarious. xD Also, I Googled 'baby noises' while we were there. Try it. The second link is a "Baby Noises Soundboard" and I find it hilarious for some reason. =D
[What's up with the color? It came out black and wouldn't show up so I had to change it to gray...?]
I'm a loser.
Apparently my friend's CD came in a day early, because Brent left me a voicemail saying it came in today, but it wasn't s'posed to be there till tomorrow...?
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