Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bob's Too Special For Blue Eyes!

Listening to: Sleep, Everyone by Powerspace

Sleep, Everyone is probably one of my favorite songs off The Kicks of Passion. I don't really know why. =) It just kind of makes me happy. I also really like Right Here, Right Now, Dancing in the Future, Be Aggressive, and Amplifire. Okay, fine, I love like the entire CD. xD Except for I Met My Best Friend in Prague and This Is Not What You Had Planned. But still. =P

Day 2 of school went kinda boring. It was better today, but it feels like we've been at school for like a week or two already. So much homework... I should be doing my English homework right now, but I've been putting it off 'cause it's kinda confusing. Ah well.

My school shoes came todaaaay. They look very uncomfortable. =D

Nothing else happened today. Fun, right? xP Well, some bad stuff. But I'm not gonna worry about that now. Too much to worry about without all that. =)

Oh! My concert tickets came!!! I'm really happy about that. They're purdy and shiny and green. =) I'm excited for that concert. It should be awesome. *happy* Only 2 months left. xP

Everybody Hates Me by The Crash Moderns is an insanely amazing song and it wakes me up really fast. xD

Too many smileys in this one... Rawr.

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