Sunday, March 2, 2008

So Here's To Being Alone

Listening to: The City That Reads (Acoustic) by The Graduate
What I Should Be Doing: Reading the last 10 pages of chapter 29 in my history book and sleeping
I'm Also: Playing solitaire

Honestly, The City That Reads is my favorite song right now. It's just like brilliance in 4 minutes and 25 seconds. And it was free. =)
That's a link to The Graduate's AbsolutePunk profile. They have a link to download the EP there. It's pretty much amazing, so you should check it out.

I've downloaded a bunch of free EPs/CDs lately, and I'm pretty happy with all of them. Free music from MySpace and Facebook's pretty awesome too.

I'm just on a free music spree at the moment. =P

I want 103 songs right now. I've got no iTunes money, so I'm pretty much going to be waiting until May 13.

In about 6 hours, I took 7 and a half pages of notes on chapters 27-29 of my history book [which is effing awful by the way], and I'm STILL not finished.

Bad habits.

I want to go to the book store so badly...

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