Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Know Who Pete Wentz Is. *beam*

Listening to: Dear Maria by All Time Low
What I Should Be Doing: Homework. x(

Okay. Today was bad and good at the same time. I forgot to bring my camera to Digital Video this morning, which was okay, since we didn't need to film anything else, but I had to move a ton of stuff, which was really boring. And then in English class, I realized I didn't know any of the stuff that we were s'posed to look over. 'Cause I didn't. 'Cause I wasted time instead. Anyway. My next like three classes were boring, including free period. Lunch was good but my stomach hurt afterward. And then chemistry was boring. But history was better, 'cause I didn't do anything but look over my test and goof off with my friend. xD Then I had to go retake a chemistry test. [I got an 85 on the first one, but I felt like I coulda done better.] I think I did better the first time. But oh well. xP

Uh. Yeah. I had to borrow my friend's cell phone 'cause I forgot mine at home [because I dropped it in the dogs' water bowl yesterday and had to air it out]. Turns out my mom's already at school so I open my locker to grab my books to go home and there's this envelope with my parents' names on it. I took it and gave it to my mom right then... And it turns out I have detention. Because my parents get me to school late. Like, I'm ready at 7:20 and they don't leave until 7:40 and I get to my first class at 8:01. *dull look* 2 minutes late 2 days in one week and they give you detention. At 7 AM. I'm not even usually awake then.

So. I have a TON of homework to do, especially for history since I blew that class off today.


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