Monday, September 17, 2007

Ecce Romani!

Listening to: Point of Extinction by Motion City Soundtrack

I haven't posted on this in like years. xD It's mostly because of school and not being online much this weekend. That's because of watching two and a half movies with my sister and babysitter with a ton of junk food while my parents were gone this weekend. =P Anyways.

I have two tests tomorrow. Chemistry and Latin. I'm kinda worried about both. I think I'll do okay on Chem, but I know Latin's gonna SUCK since the teacher doesn't teach us. -.-

I got the new Motion City Soundtrack CD today. Even If It Kills Me is pretty awesome. xD It technically comes out tomorrow, but the CD store had it today at 4, so I bought it. I like it a lot. =)

And I can't see Powerspace, which REALLY stinks. I almost went, but my mom thinks there will be "bad people" at the bar where they're playing, so... Wah. Not fun. x(

Yeah, I'm too lazy and don't have enough time at the moment to write anymore so I'm leaving. Back to reading Beowulf. =P

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