Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Being Sick on Halloween STINKS
What I Should Be Doing: SLEEPING
It's only 8:09 and I should really already be asleep. I'MSICK. It sucks. I mean, I've been waiting to get sick for like a month now, but now that I am, it's awful. My stomach is really queasy [and I haven't eaten anything since about 7:50 AM], my head hurts occasionally, and I just feel gross. =( Yeah.
So I wake up late, eat a Poptart in the car, go to Digital Video, where my tummy decides to feel awful, and go to English, where I have a test [that I think I did badly on] and my tummy decides to half-kill me. Then, I'm walking to the library with my booooks, and I pass the dean of students in the hall and he's like "How are you?" and I'm just all "Hi" 'cause I feel like crud. And he's all "Are you okay? Usually you're all excited and smiling and stuff" and I'm like "I feel bad" so then he's all "Go to the nurse" and I'm like "But I have to do my math homework." But he made me go anyway. And I sat there for like 30 minutes waiting for my mom to come pick me up while working on stupid history.
Yeah. So then I came home and slept for SIX HOURS. And then I woke up, did homework, and now I'm here. =(
It sucks. Even though I may possibly be too old, I really wanted to go trick or treating. :( This is actually the first year I haven't gone... Even when I had strep throat when I was like 9, I sat in our little red wagon and my dad pulled me to the houses. xD I luff Halloween. And trick or treating...
The end.
I may or may not be going to bed now.
Oh, and my mom's all "You're not going to school tomorrow" so poo. I'll be here.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Okay, Who Lied About High School Being Fun?
What I Should Be Doing: Checking to make sure I can get away with doing no homework tonight
I read both of John Green's books this weekend. An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska. I really liked them both, but I think I liked An Abundance of Katherines more. =) See, Mom, YouTube leads to READING! If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here and freaking watch all the videos. xD They're amazing.
Okay. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to go see Powerspace tonight, but my mom wouldn't let me because she doesn't trust the place and the band's not Christian. Which I think is dumb. [She almost let me go to the SAME PLACE to see a Christian band except she's going out of town on a mission trip that weekend so I can't go to that concert either. And it would have been boring with her. I mean, going to a concert with my mom? She thinks it's 'cause I'd be embarrassed of her, but it's not. It just wouldn't be fun.] And I just heard Right On, Right Now, and I seriously want to cry. I'm like in love with this band and I wanted to see them before they got huge. So I probably won't see them ever or I'll see them when they're really popular and tickets cost freaking $50.
I'm buying Armor for Sleep's new CD tomorrow. I can't remember if it comes out tomorrow or Tuesday, but either way, the music store has it in tomorrow and they told me to pick it up then. So. Yeah.
After I read Looking for Alaska, I was EXHAUSTED. I dunno why, but ever since I finished it two hours ago, I've wanted to just take a nap. I've had like no energy. I guess that could be because of the five hours of sleep last night and the long plane ride and the chaotic day, but I'm not usually this exhausted at 9:04 PM.
I've had a bad month. And even with the good two or three days last week, I don't think it's getting better. At all. I mean, I'm happy for a while, but the majority of the time, I'm just really not at all. =(
I guess that's what my music's for. *hugs Farewell*
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Homework is Overrated
What I Should Be Doing: English homework
I always put English homework off. :D ALWAYS.
It's because I hate the class. xD I suck at it... Therefore, I dislike it. :D
I'm still obsessed with The Academy Is..., but not as much as I was. =)
Bill's signature's fading. :(
I love my new CDs. Though I haven't listened to Isn't This Supposed To Be Fun by Farewell yet. =) I love A Different Light by Sherwood. xD
I'm gonna go try to get something done. =P
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
AT&T Sucks and Andy is Jesus
What I Should Be Doing: Writing Inner/Outer circle questions for World History AP
I love Powerspace. Like times a million.
I almost went to a Motion City Soundtrack today. But my mom said nooo. So wah. She also said no to Fall Out Boy, Powerspace, and This Providence. Yeah. Sucks. FOB was yesterday, Powerspace woulda been this Sunday, and This Providence woulda been like two weeks from now. I'm sad. =(
I'm mad, 'cause my Digital Video teacher made us all get external harddrives, but she didn't give us ANY requirements/expectations, so my step-dad and I just guessed when we bought one [it was $130 and one of the cheapest ones.] And she's all "No, it doesn't work; get a new one." She finally gave me like 2 actual requirements, but that's it.
Okay, the three weeks after October 2 just freaking SUCKED. I've been having a pretty good week this week though. Hopefully, it'll stay good. I think it's good 'cause it's finally getting colder. =)
I'm tired and I don't think I'm gonna go trick or treating for Halloween, which makes me really sad. I wanna go, but it wouldn't be fun by myself...
I'm going to my dad's this weekend and then my friend's staying with me for like 2 weekends in a row. xD Whoo, man. Naw, I'm actually happy about that. =D
My Sherwood CD and my Farewell CD come in tomorrow. =) So happy... I just have to go pick 'em up and I'll be happy for like a week. xD The CD store always makes my day/week better. Like, I hadn't gone in almost a month and then I went on Monday and I was just like "I had/am having a really good day." Was fun. :D Then my friend and I scootered around the intersection by my house for like an hour. *giggles*
Anyway. I should go work on the Inner/Outer circle crud.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I Really Want a Sloppy Joe Right Now
What I Should Be Doing: SLEEPING! or PACKING!
I'm tired and this week has been CRAZY long. We finally got our internet back, but it sucks, 'cause sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I SWEAR MY ITUNES IS IN LOVE WITH SIMPLE PLAN. LIKE IT'S HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH THEM. If I EVER actually let one of their songs play [I rarely listen to them anymore, but they were the first non-country band I liked], it plays EIGHT of their songs in a row. It doesn't do that with ANY other band. Seriously.
I annoy people with my addiction/obsession with Solitaire. xD
Uhm. I'm really hungry right now.
At 1 AM, I develop a tolerance for like any type of music. Like, I usually refuse to listen to Kernkraft 400 because it annoys me, but I'm okay with listening to it right now. Same with Simple Plan and country. Except for Taylor Swift. Couldn't listen to her for some reason.
I want fruit loops.
I feel like a completely different person than I was last year and that scares me.
Today my friend got meat stuck in her throat and coughed up mucus for like 6 hours. She had to go to the emergency room. It was scary, but she's okay. =)
I should get some sleep 'cause I have to wake up at TEN TOMORROW. TEN AM ON A SATURDAY! Ah well.
I need to remember to pack like six AA batteries. That reminds me of The Academy Is...! xD *hugs concerts*
I need a life. *nod*
A frozen Eggo waffle sounds AMAZING right now.
Oh, I'm packing for a like two day trip with my friend. =)
I wish it was cold.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Go Stick a Fork in a Toaster in EUROPE!
What I Should Be Doing: Printing out my friend's essay and figuring out when my free period ends
Yeah, I'm at school again. I should have internet tonight or Monday or sometime this weekend, I think. But with my luck, we won't get internet back till like next year. xD
I have so many Slipknot songs, but I don't ever listen to them. I blame Hunter. :D He gave me the CDs and I just downloaded a million songs from 'em.
Anyway. We had to break into our house on Wednesday 'cause all the doors were locked and we didn't have a key for any of them. =D Yup. Um. We broke a window. It was amazing. xP
I keep saying that "It was amazing." I'm also saying "Go stick a fork in a toaster in EUROPE!" instead of "Die!"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I Got to School Today When I Would Normally Still Be Asleep
What I Should Be Doing: Working on my English essay
I've been at school since 7:10 AM. It kinda sucks. I need to work on English, but I'm lazy and don't wanna do anything.
I want Isn't This Supposed to Be Fun by Farewell and A Different Light by Sherwood. And I think I'm gonna try to get the new Armor for Sleep CD when it comes out. I should probably find out what it's called. And if I have enough money. xD
... I only have $12. I need like $45. RAWR. Well, M.E. owes me at least $12.
I need a job.
I'm so sick of school. Tomorrow's shortened classes, but I'm so sick of it. I'm so glad that it's Thursday. *nod*
I want to see Powerspace SO badly. As soon as my internet comes back, I'm making a MySpace just to ask the bar/venue whether the show's all ages or not. And then I'm gonna find some small screamo-ish band and ask them to cover Bingo for me. Because that would make me happy.
I'm tired. :)
I have a Latin test in like an hour and a half, and I haven't studied, but I don't wanna right now. I have better things to do. xD Actually, that's a lie. I should work on English but I'm updating this instead. And I can't get to like anything on this computer. Not YouTube, not Facebook, not Yahoo! Mail, not even FOB's website. I don't get it.
My hands are ALWAYS really cold. Same with my feet.
I had to watch the movie North by Northwest for Digital Video. It was okay, but I got bored, and some scenes seemed way too long and the ending sucked. I wanted them to die. And Leonard's totally my hero. xD Okay. I'm done.
My English teacher dislikes me. I'm not exactly sure why. At least, it seems like she dislikes me. *shrugs*
I'm gonna go work on my essay... *face*
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
M.E., How 'Bout Going to the CD Store? xD
What I Should Be Doing: Going to Algebra 2
Yeah. I'm at school. I can't get to Facebook to post my pictures so I'm mad, but I've posted like twenty freakin' blogs. So. Yup.
Today is crazy. I want it to be over.
I love the internet so much. *hugs it*
I wanna buy Interventions and Lullabies by The Format... And A Different Light by Sherwood. And check out their other CD and look at Armor for Sleep's CD. xD
I’m Bad at Making Friends
Listening to: I Caught Fire by The Used
What I Should Be Doing: Rereading the Chemistry chapters
Um. We went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner, and I annoyed my mom to the point where she wouldn’t talk to me anymore. xD But I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just trying to look for the best in people, rather than automatically assuming they all suck. *nod*
I asked her what she would do if she had never seen me before and I asked if I could hug her. She said she’d probably walk away [like Jack the camera guy. Though all I really wanted was a picture with him... Or just of him. xD] and then she was all “Think about their daily lives and how people are always like ‘ILOVEYOU!’ and how they’re just using him and stuff.” [I had told her earlier that I yelled “ILOVEYOU” to one of the guys that was setting up for TAI.] I was like “How am I using him?!” and she’s like “Well, you don’t really love him; love’s not a one way relationship” or something and I’m just like “... I know that. I didn’t tell the camera guy that I loved him, I just wanted a picture of him.” And she goes into how they’re all on drugs ‘cause it’s easy and how they all get married and then get divorced ‘cause they don’t try or something. And I’m just like “Yeah. But you don’t know that the camera guy’s on drugs or that the band even is.” And then my brother’s all “You just said that because they’re famous and that’s the only reason you like them.” And I’m like “NO! They’re crazy awesome and they’re really not all that famous and they’re not even IN THE BAND!”
Basically everyone got ticked off.
And then I said that I hated college and asked if I had to pay for gas [which I was really just wondering about] and by the end of it all, my mom was really mad. Yeah.
I dunno. I’m not gonna assume that everybody in every band is on drugs. I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt. That’s kind of unreasonable anyway. I dunno. It’s dumb.
My brother’s fortune cookie fortune was “If your cookie is in two pieces, the answer is yes.” I love that SO much that it’s not funny. xD
I’m getting my wisdom teeth, which SUCKS. There’s this flap of skin and it’s all raw/sore and it hurts. =( And today just kinda stunk. X(
I’m totally gonna bring my laptop to school tomorrow to post all the crud. Except I can’t get to YouTube or check my mail. But OH WELL.
If we watch my footage tomorrow, I’ll scream.
My dogs chewed up my cell phone. *face* I’m mad. At least it still works.
I wrote this on the 8th. It's going up on the 10th. Deal.
What’s NBC Stand For?
Listening to: Emo Kid by Jim Robert
What I Should Be Doing: Homework
I have a HUGE headache right now. And we won’t get our internet connection back until Friday. And that’s the best case scenario. It’s supposed to come back anytime from the 12th to the 15th. So I’m mad. That’s like another week.
Wednesday, October 3 to Friday, October 12. That’s how long it takes them to get our internet connection back. We were supposed to get it back today, so, with my luck, it’s never coming back.
Yeah, seriously.
I should be writing my English essay or working on my PSAT prep junk or studying for my Chemistry test or working on Algebra 2 homework or filling out our ‘Knowledge Requirements’ sheet for World History AP.
But I’m not. I’m sitting here, listening to Fall Out Boy [now], typing this blog, with my English essay minimized and my PSAT prep sheet beside me. And playing Solitaire. Because I’m addicted to Solitaire and I procrastinate and my head hurts. And we won’t have internet for like seven days.
Patrick Stump is like my hero.
I have to watch North by Northwest sometime this week for my Digital Video class. I’m seriously starting to despise that class.
My guitar teacher didn’t show up today, because he thought we had Columbus Day off. Nope.
I got a 59 on my Algebra 2 retake, which is the EXACT SAME GRADE AS LAST TIME. It sucks, because I studied the original test and then the retake was completely different. That’s gonna lower my grade a TON and the quarter ends soon. =(
Oh well. I like don’t care about school anymore. Which is bad. But I don’t care enough to force myself to care. Screw college. I don’t wanna go anyway. We go to school for 22 – 30 years of our lives and then we work for 50 and then we’re old, retire, do nothing for a few years, and die.
If you couldn’t tell, I’m in a sucky mood.
I wrote this on the 8th, but it's going up the 10th. Yup.
The Lyric ‘Pizza of My Eye’ Really Bothers Me
Listening to: I’m Like A Lawyer with The Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off (Me + You) by Fall Out Boy
What I Should Be Doing: Homework and SLEEEEPING!
I realized about an hour and a half ago that my digital video project is due tomorrow, not Friday. So I did the entire project by myself, while my storyboards like REQUIRE two people. So my footage sucks. A lot. And she’s going to hate it, because she already dislikes me and there’s so much wrong with it that it’s not funny. I’m totally done with that class. Seriously. It’s only like a month in and I’m freaking SICK of it.
I still have so much to do, and I’m tired, and I really shouldn’t have school tomorrow anyway, but I do, because the school’s MEAN and HATEFUL. Columbus Day = holiday, right?? Not according to them. *sulk*
My room’s a disaster area right now. It kind of makes me happy.
Usually, I get through school and homework and the stupid junk by thinking “I just have to get through this and then I can go this concert” or “I need to do this and then next month that CD comes out.” But I have NOTHING to look forward to at this point. And I don’t have internet. So I’m kinda upset. Actually, I wanna cry. =(
Thanksgiving break is the only thing good right now. And that’s forever from now. x(
Um. I guess I can’t wait till we get internet back. But I’m not really excited about that. I’m more mad at Geek Squad because they’re freaking idiots.
I’m really tired.
Um. Yeah.
I had something else to say but I forgot.
I love Fall Out Boy more than I should.
I want to see these bands live:
§ Powerspace
§ Motion City Soundtrack
§ This Providence
§ The Used
§ Fall Out Boy [again]
§ The Academy Is... [As many times as possible, man. They’re AMAZING live.]
Yeah, I wrote this on 10-7-07, but it's going up on the 10th. Just because.
Listening to: Tie the Rope by The Format
What I Should Be Doing: Working
I really need to work on my essay for Oedipus the King, film for my video class, read and summarize documents for my step-dad, finish my chemistry problems, study for the chemistry test, finish my quiz question sheets for my history class, and work on my Algebra homework. But I’m writing this instead. =D
I realized the other day that I probably came off as a jerk to Bill. I mean, after we took pictures and I asked him to tell Mike that he was my hero, we were kind of standing there watching him sign other people’s things and I said, “I don’t think you’ll tell him. I think you’re lying like Jack the camera guy.” And I didn’t really mean him to hear that, but he looked up at me from what he was signing. And I was just like “Don’t look at me!” really fast. *face* I feel bad about that. I was just kidding! Really! I think! xD Um.
Okay, while my friend Anna and I were spazzing over Tony and James/Jimmy and Mikey [basically TAI’s crew], I yelled “I LOVE YOU!” to James/Jimmy. And according to my friend, he looked down at me [‘cause we were right in front] and kinda smiled/looked freaked out. I had NO idea that he heard me. Seriously. Like. I missed that completely. But she swears it happened. =P
Yeah, my friends and I wanna go to Chicago, but I realized that we won’t be able to really meet/talk to them afterward in Chicago, ‘cause it’s their hometown and they’re actually playing at like an arena/theater/thing. And it’d be like impossible to get backstage/to the tour bus and there would probably be a ton more people than there were at our concert. So I’m kinda like “Maybe we should just wait till they come back here?”
I’m worried that they’ll get big before that though and then everyone will love them. =( Not that I’m against everyone loving them, but that’d make it so much harder to meet them. And my goal in life right now is to take a picture with all of the band. And it doesn’t matter if it’s individually or in a group, I don’t really care. xD I just wanna picture with ‘em all. And I already have one down! =D
I talk about The Academy Is... too much.
Uh. I totally had something more interesting to say/talk about.
Oh. Geek Squad = idiots. Every time they come to fix ANYTHING, whether it has to do with the internet or not, we lose our connection. I hate them. So much. I’m so bored and I don’t want to do homework and I just wanna slap them and their dorky car. *rawr*
That new show Chuck’s like awesome. I saw the second episode today and I liked it a lot... xD And I saw Journey Man? Journeyman? I dunno. That show. xD We saw the first episode and that seemed kinda cool too. =D And I also saw part of the first episode of Bionic Woman or something. That one freaked me out. Too much blood. xP
Okay, here’s what I’m going to name my children:
1. Jesus [Hey-soos]
2. Bob
3. Chuck
4. Jepharee
5. Harris
6. ChasingOkapi
7. Butcher!
8. Queso
I swear there was another. I don’t remember it though. Anyway. Um. My goal in life is to take a picture with people named one of those names. Like, a picture with a Bob, a Chuck, a Jepharee, etc. I have one down. I have a picture with a Jesus [he’s my hero!]. I only need seven more. xD I don’t think I’m going to count ChasingOkapi though. And Queso could be a nickname. Yeah. :P And... Butcher doesn’t need the ! and it could be a nickname, too. And I got that from the drummer of TAI; it’s NOT the action or the profession. I’m not naming the kid like “KILL!” or “SLAUGHTER!” or something. It’s the DRUMMER, OKAY!? THIS GUY -> The guy that’s “NOT WEARING ANY PANTS AT ALL.
Um. I’ve had the first four names for at least a year, I think. Or almost a year. Something like that. xD The last four have been added on randomly. Harris was last year too, but toward the end... ChasingOkapi was over the summer; Butcher! was this year; Queso was this year.
I better go do my homework... BLEH.
This was written on Oct. 7, but it's going up the 10th. Don't ask.
Cartwheels Solve Everything
Listening to: I’ve Got All This Ringing in my Ears and None on my Fingers by Fall Out Boy
What I Should Be Doing: Sleeping
Happy guitarists make me smile. =)
Mike Carden is my hero.
And the way I write Mike does NOT look like MiM.E., no matter what Ethan says.
Yeah, I wrote this on Friday, 10-5-07, but it's going up on the 10th. Just because.
I’m Awful At Negotiating
Listening to: Hospital by The Used
What I Should Be Doing: Nothing, actually. =)
Yeah, I’m SO glad it’s Friday. I was gonna bring my laptop to school with me today so I could update my blog and post my concert pictures on Facebook, but I completely forgot this morning. x( Ah well. I’ll have internet on Monday, so that’s good, I guess. =P
This week felt like forever, except not, at the same time. =D I can’t believe the concert was only like three days ago. My ears stopped ringing today!! I just remember Monday being AWFUL. Like HORRIBLE. Like wanting-to-cry-or-kick-something-in-every-class-before-lunch terrible. Which is pretty bad, since we have the majority of our classes before lunch. Yeah. And last weekend didn’t even really count, ‘cause I went to my dad’s [which means I spent most of Friday and Sunday on planes or packing.] And Tuesday = concert day, so that was awesome, but for EVERY DAY since then, I’ve had no internet, so it’s felt like FOREVER.
Okay, whatever my siblings and their friends are doing outside my room is getting REALLY annoying. It’s just like the bass of a really loud song or somebody hitting the wall or something. It’s not even consistent. x( It’s just random... Rawr. Shuddup.
I love The Used. I really wanna see them live. =)
I’m so bored that I’m doing my homework. Seriously. It’s Friday night and I’m doing my CHEMISTRY HOMEWORK. I don’t do homework until Sunday night. Really and truly. This is what happens when I have no internet connection. *dies*
I wanna look up Sherwood and Armor for Sleep, ‘cause they were both amazing at the concert on Tuesday, but I can’t until we get our internet back. I don’t really wanna go spend $30 on 2 CDs if I’m not gonna like ‘em... xD
Uh. Give me an amazing concert, three hours at the venue before the band comes on, six AA batteries, and a camera, and I’ll take 159 pictures. =) That’s what happened on Tuesday. And I’ve been trying to get the pics to my friends ever since, but it’s hard since I have no internet. Wah.
I have to film my first real video this weekend. Well, I’ve actually already filmed footage for two projects, but this is the first assignment I’m working alone on. And I have no tripod. Fun! xD Actually, I don’t care, ‘cause I’ve been filming for almost three years without a tripod. So. :)
I just realized that of my 183 videos, a HUGE percentage was made during this year and the last. High school, basically. =D Kinda funny. Though I’ve definitely gone away from editing. I usually just talk to the camera and then post it on YouTube. Yeah. :D
Yeah, I wrote this on Friday, October 5, but it's going up on the 10th, because I only have internet at school.
What I Should Be Doing: Homework!
Um. I love how I blog more when my internet’s not working than I do when I can actually post stuff. xD
I’m afraid Bill’s signature’s gonna come off my shoe. I will seriously cry when that happens... Ah well, I’m trying not to think about it. =)
Anyway. The Academy Is... is playing in Chicago three times at the end of our Thanksgiving break, so my friends and I are just like “Wehavetoseethem.WEHAVETO.” I asked my mom and she said maybe. Which is WAY better than I thought her answer would be. *beam* We have a place to stay and a chaperone [my friend’s older brother] for the concert; we just need to work out who would take us [the only way our parents would let us go is if a parent went with us and the chaperone] and how we’d get there. We wanna go to both the shows on Friday and Saturday night. xD But who knows?
So. I should do homework! But I don’t wanna...
Yeah, I wrote this on Thursday, October 5, but it's going up on the 10th because AT&T sucks.
It’s Fun To Annoy The People Selling Merch
What I Should Be Doing: Showering and/or doing homework
Okay, I saw The Academy Is... live last night. They were AMAZING. Which wasn't surprising, 'cause the other two times I've seen them live, they were crazy awesome. =) I think they're my favorite band to see live. Anyway. They were really awesome and we were really close to the stage and I had an awesome time. I think that was my favorite concert. Then Panic! at the Disco, then My Chemical Romance, then Fall Out Boy. It might’ve been because it was my first concert not in an arena, though.
Yeah. And my friend, Anna, and I were like determined to meet the band. So we waited outside their tour bus for like thirty minutes. xD There was a huge crowd of people and then this random girl came out and said they weren’t signing autographs, so we were upset, but we stayed anyway with about twenty other people... Like ten people actually went inside the tour bus and they got to take pictures with the band. That made me SO mad. x( I saw Mike [my favorite guy in the band. xP] taking a picture with some kid through the window of the tour bus and I tried to get a picture of him through the glass but he moved and my camera’s old and mean. (He was on the other side of the stage from us so all the pictures I took of him sucked, ‘cause my camera like didn’t pick up any of the light.) Anyway, Jack the camera guy [who I actually saw before any of the bands even started, but I was too shocked to stop him to ask for a pic. =( I wish I had...] came out of the bus and I asked him if I could hug him, but he just told the crowd that he’d be right back and left. And didn’t come back. At least not while we were there. Then I started doing cartwheels in front of the bus, mostly because I was bored. =D I hugged the tour bus and then The Butcher came out and we were all just like “BUTCHER!” But he left. Like he walked away. I got a pic of him walking away, but that was it, and it’s just really dark and you can’t see anything but something that may have been his foot. xP So now my babysitter/chaperone/friend is starting to get impatient and comes over to tell us we have five more minutes. Our ride was already there and we’d already been waiting outside the bus for like twenty five minutes... She kept trying to convince us that they weren’t going to come out... But we waited for another five minutes and then BILL [William Beckett] comes out. My friends and I are just like “... BILL!” He also said he’d be right back and we were just like “RAWR. Everyone’s ignoring us.”
But this time, he actually did come back. =) He said he couldn’t sign stuff for all the people and take pictures with everybody, but he was really nice about it. He looked exhausted, but he signed my shoe, signed Anna’s poster, signed Whitney’s ticket receipt, took pictures with all three of us, and signed everybody else’s things. And took pictures with a ton of people. It was actually really amazing. I asked him to tell Mike that he was my hero. I doubt he will, but I don’t mind. =D It was most definitely one of the most awesome experiences of my life. We left after we took pictures with him, ‘cause our ride was waiting, but my friends and I wanted to wait to see if the rest of the band would come out... I hope they didn’t. Ah well, if they come back here, I’m SERIOUSLY gonna go and be like “Bill, you signed my shoe last time, can I get everybody else’s autograph please?” xD
I love all the guys [as much as you can when you don’t really know them. xP], but Bill’s actually one of my least favorite. Or tied in third. I think tied. With Sisky... Anyway. I like him a lot more now, because of how nice he was... My friend was trying to take a picture of me and him with my camera and didn’t know how to work it and it was taking forever so she kept apologizing and we’re all just standing there like “Sorry!” and he was all “It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” And he asked everybody for gum and nobody had any except for one girl that had had a piece in her pocket during the concert. She gave it to him, but it was all melty-ish and stuck to the wrapper. He tried to open it and she apologized for it being kinda disgusting. He just like smiled and was all “It’s okay. I’m going to keep it anyway just to remember how nice that was.” He put it in his pocket. My friends and I were just like “You’re my hero.” :)
Haha, I froze up when I saw Bill standing in a room backstage when we were walking back from the bathroom, but when I took a picture with him, I was just like “Oh, hi, normal person...” xP And then today in my English class, it hit me. WE MET WILLIAM BECKETT. HE SIGNED MY SHOE AND TOOK A PICTURE WITH ME. AND I WAS WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE REST OF THE ACADEMY IS...! I was taking a test, and I started thinking about it and I just sat there with a stupid grin on my face for like ten minutes. I smiled for like three more classes, too. =) Last night seriously made my life. We got there around 6:30 so we’d get close to the stage and TAI didn’t go on until 10. xD Sherwood played first, then The Rocket Summer, then Armor for Sleep, and finally TAI. Sherwood’s cool and so is Armor for Sleep, but I seriously dislike The Rocket Summer... He sounds like a twelve year old. Or a girl. xD Anyway, when they were setting up for The Academy Is... to go on, Tony walked out on stage and my friend and I were just like “TONY!” I took like ten pictures of him, three or four of James/Jimmy [I can’t remember his name!], and one of Mikey [Butcher’s assistant/tech guy. xD]. Anna and I kept yelling Tony’s name, ‘cause we were all “DUDEYOU’REONTAITVANDIKNOWWHOYOUAREANDILOVEYOU.” The girl next to us looked REALLY annoyed and said something about us being idiots to her friend, but her friend took like ALL the guitar picks Chislett threw into the crowd, a towel one of the bands used, and two half full water bottles one of the bands had been drinking out of, so I really didn’t care.
My ears are still ringing from last night. We were like three feet from the HUGE speakers. xD I loved it so much. I’m SO glad we went. *dances* I complained for like twenty – thirty minutes afterward and then I was like “WHYAMICOMPLAINING!? I freaking LOVED it!” We got home about 12:40 AM and I hadn’t finished storyboarding for Digital Video so I did that while my friends fell asleep. x( But I got to bed around 1:15, so it wasn’t that bad. I got 5 hours of sleep, my ears are ringing, I haven’t showered in two days, I smell from the “pit”, and I haven’t taken the wristband from the club off yet. =D I can’t believe how amazing it was. At least three times during the show, I felt like I was going to pass out from the screaming and the heat and the jumping up and down and how badly my neck hurt. Like, I was seriously so lightheaded that I couldn’t remember the words to the last two songs and my knees were weak when I left the place. But it was SO MUCH FUN. I would totally do it again. xD
Only bad thing = I have nothing to look forward to now. Like nothing.
The end of the school year?
Yeah, I wrote this on Wednesday, October 4. But it's going up on Wednesday, October 10, because our internet connection SUCKS.

