Sunday, February 17, 2008


Listening to: Bob by NOFX
What I Sh - It's a 3 day weekend.
I'm Also: Talking to Anna, updating Facebook, and thinking about going to play The Sims 2.

Three day weekends officially suck. =)

Yesterday was good, but not like "yesterday was so good!" More like a tiny bit better than average. I mean, I got to see Lindsey, so that's cool. And I got to go to one of my favorite events in my city so that was cool. But I wasn't even happy last night like I am when it's been a good day.

Harvey Danger's awesome. At least their CD Little by Little is. Well, I haven't listened to all of it yet, but I really like the stuff I have heard. It's free; go download it from their site.

Tomorrow's gonna be worse than today, and today was pretty awful. :)

My mom told me earlier "to make the most of the weekend," but I won't. I never do. I always end up doing nothing and wishing I had and sulking and being enormously unhappy.

I feel like I'm never happy.

I put the songs from The Sims 2 on my iPod and I haven't listened to one of them [Look Alive] since December 28, 2006. Beautiful, isn't it?

I had a ton of junk food yesterday and today, but now I want like ice cream.

I think my parents are worried about me.

1 comment:

the Darling said...

I know the feeling...moo...moose. *lazy*