Friday, February 8, 2008

What Exactly IS Castor Oil Anyway...?

Listening to: The fan on my computer
What I Should Be Doing: Washing my face
I'm Also: Playing Solitaire, reading fan fiction, and checking my e-mail

Anna's sick and didn't come to school today, and Whitney left during lunch, because she has the flu. Anna's not sure what she has, but it's possible she also has the flu.

I don't want the flu. =(

I feel awful for them both though. Anna sounds absolutely miserable, and Whitney's turning 16 this Sunday. So that seriously sucks, man.

Uh... I'm EXHAUSTED right now. Like, I'm half-asleep as I type this.

I'm wearing headphones, but I haven't listened to anything in like five hours...?

Today, in Latin, I learned that castor oil may have been made of stuff from beaver testicles? But maybe not. So, ew.

Okay. I'm off to wash my face and then I'm gonna try to write a tiny bit and then I'm going to bed.

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