Monday, December 22, 2008

My bands are outgrowing me.

Most depressing thing ever.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm so proud of boys I don't even know, even though I don't like their newest CD.

But watching them perform in huge venues internationally makes me want to cry.

I don't understand.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

fuck ap english.

High school doesn't even logically make sense.

I don't care about learning or being smart or any of that shit.

I'd rather be happy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

For a long time, I boasted that I didn't care about what anyone else thought of me. And for a while, I even believed that about myself.

However, I realized at some point in the last year that I used that as an excuse to do whatever I wanted. It allowed me to a bitch, guilt-free.

It allowed me to criticize people for faults I embody more than they do. It allowed me to cultivate a very negative pessimistic view of the world. It allowed me to trick myself into thinking I was actually better than some of my peers.

But I do care what people think. The opinions of the people whom I respect are important to me.
Mostly because I don't want to be that girl that people dislike.

This does not have so much to do with my reputation as it does my effect on others.

We affect everyone we interact with everyday. I would much rather leave a positive effect than a negative one; I would rather make someone feel good about themselves or make their day just a little more tolerable than throw them into anger and self-doubt.

I'm sorry.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


If you are a fan of Twilight but would like to see the other side of the argument (i.e. Twilight sucks):

If you haven't read, don't like, or like Twilight but can accept criticism:

Hearing Twilight compared to Harry Potter and even Nancy Drew makes me sick to my stomach. Sure, teenage girls are reading. Doesn't it matter WHAT they're reading?

As a high school student, I understand that typically kids don't read. I don't have much time to pick up a book, and a series that has thousands of teenagers reading in their very limited free time must be good, right? However, Twilight fails miserably. Maybe if it was original, written well, had characters with personalities, and/or had a plot, reading the book would actually be beneficial to teenagers. Ughughugh.

If you haven't read the series, I highly recommend NOT reading it. It's honestly a waste of time and money, unless you like reading fan-fiction fluff that's taken from dozens of different books and movies.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

ugh realism.

To limit the salary of the business men in charge is to lower the interest, loyalty, and work ethic of these business men.
To lower the interest, loyalty, and work ethic is to decrease the overall profit.
To decrease profit is to limit the money spent on employing workers.
To limit the budget is to fire the workers in lower branches of the corporation.
To fire workers is to destroy the middle class.
To destroy the middle class is to destroy the economy.
To destroy the economy is to destroy society.
To destroy society is to destroy the government.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

the most amazing boy ever.

yay instrumental music.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie soundtrack FTW.

Interlude in Em by It is Well FTW tooo! :)

Why do I associate Motion City Soundtrack with Chuck Palahniuk?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

believe me. this is lame.

I miss having free period by myself.

Sure, I always complained about it, but, looking back, I really liked having that forty-five minutes to myself four days a week.

I miss listening to my music without interruptions and fully concentrating on my work and ignoring all of the people around me and randomly doodling in my spiral and sitting at the same table in the same chair every day.

I miss feeling the warm sun on my back and seeing the natural light dance across the wooden table when it was a nice day. I miss suddenly realizing that it's raining and turning around to see the downpour through the huge windows when it was a stormy day.

I miss my routine.

... I'mlamewhoo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

genre jumps, devolution, and cover art.

I'm unhappy with Fueled by Ramen [and Fall Out Boy]. All their bands are changing their sounds. And yeah, sure, I'm cool with them maturing musically and everything, but most of the time it sounds like they're devolving. Panic[!] at the Disco, The Academy Is... - it's not that I don't love the bands [because I do]. It's just that I expect more from them. Quality stuff, not the somewhat cliche, not-entirely-pop-but-reminscient-of-it, slightly boring stuff they've put out recently.

Panic[!]'s newest CD, which they worked on for years [literally], was a disappointment. With the exclamation point went the energy of the music. Sure, I liked a few of the songs on Pretty. Odd. - We're So Starving, Pas de Cheval, sometimes Northern Downpour. It's certainly not as if the rest of the songs are bad, but they just don't catch my attention like their old music did. Honestly, if the CD hadn't been by Panic[!], I would never have bought it. I only listened to it when I was getting ready to see them, because I wanted to be able to still have fun if they only played songs off that. [Luckily, they played the old songs also and sounded better than ever.] I love the band, but I expected more from them.

The Academy Is...'s new CD isn't terrible. I still haven't listened to the whole thing, but I do like a fair amount of the songs I have heard. Paper Chase and His Girl Friday are my favorites off the album at the moment. But I would never specifically choose those songs to listen to. I'll listen to them if they come up on my playlist, but I'm not going to seek them out. Even in Santi, their previous album, it was a little hard for me to find the sound that I loved about them. I grew to love Santi though, especially after seeing them perform it live twice. It's a CD I probably would have bought even if I had no idea who the band was. Fast Times at Barrington High is a CD I wouldn't have looked twice at. The music isn't bad, but it doesn't catch my attention. I hear it, but I'm definitely not captured by it the way I was with their first album - which I discovered years late. The lyrics on some tracks are brilliant, but most are slightly cliche. [Not that I can even write cliche lyrics.] Again, I love the band. I just wanted more. However, considering how often they toured between Santi and this album, it's pretty impressive.

Fall Out Boy - who isn't on Fueled by Ramen, but whatever - has a new album coming out on Election Day. I've already made sure that the CD store that I go to is ordering it. I'm buying no matter what. I adore the cover art as well as the title. I liked the new songs on the free mixtape they put out. But "I Don't Care" just doesn't really meet my standards. As selfish as it sounds, I wish Patrick had never learned to sing; in my opinion, his voice is absolutely brilliant on Take This To Your Grave [which is my favorite CD anyway] and decreases from there. That's not to say that I don't love his voice, because I do. I just don't love it as much. The lyrics to I Don't Care aren't great, but I can deal with that. I wasn't worried, because I felt the same way with Infinity On High and still ended up really liking that CD. Besides, I'd already heard other new songs that I liked [despite the constant "GET FAMILIAR" crap]. It can't be all bad. They put out a new song on iTunes the other day, and I was totally ready to text my dad to ask if I could borrow a dollar to buy the song. I was even a little excited, but I ended up not even wanting to buy it. I was just like "Eh, it'll be on the CD... Why waste money?" I never like the singles though, so I still have faith in them. :)

I'm not giving up on these bands.

Y'know, maybe it's me.
Maybe I'm outgrowing them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

In the scheme of things, school doesn't make sense. To be completely honest.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My whole life I’ve been drawn to more creative, artistic hobbies – things like drawing, writing, photography. Various phases led me through ambitions to be a cinematographer and fabricated skills at black and white photography. By the end of freshman year in high school, however, I’d learned that I just wasn’t good at any of my proposed passions. Ballet was a six year experience – one that ended quickly in third grade when I realized that tights and good posture just didn’t mesh with my personality. Meanwhile, I’d discovered photography, filling my summers with workshops at the zoo, a hobby which lasted approximately ten discontinuous years, if you count the bright red plastic camera I ran around with at five. Art, which replaced photography for a bit, was my middle school endeavor; although I’d been forced to take art classes in elementary school, I was never serious about it. Drama featured a very short spotlight, lasting less than a week, because I’d discovered my inability to think on my feet. Video lasted almost as long as photography, really, starting around fourth grade and continuing until eleventh. For about four years, I walked around with my video camera in hand, recording everything and editing it all before losing the footage throughout the years. Taking a class on the subject quickly ended that hobby. Guitar, also a long-term investment, began in fifth grade and endured through both middle and high school, mostly because I loved the class, despite my lack of talent.

Overall, I have no artistic talent.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

over there.

I cling to illogical optimism, although I claim to be a pessimist.

[I hate Paramore.]

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So I've been watching the Olympics this summer. I like watching gymnastics, swimming, and volleyball the most, but I like a lot of the other sports too. Not that I know much about any of them. As an American, it's relatively obvious that I'm rooting for Team USA. I don't care how many golds anyone has though. The medal count doesn't REALLY matter to me. I like watching the Americans win, but hey, if we lose, we lose. Big deal. China has more gold medals than us. That's cool; they have some amazing athletes playing for them. The U.S. has the most medals total. Whoo. I'm pretty sure we've got the most athletes, also, so that kind of balances out. Whatever. Besides, if you're an athlete at the OLYMPICS, then you're already pretty amazing.

But. I just read an article about the "real medal count" and people in the comments are whining about how Americans are "sore losers" and how Chinese are "cheaters" and one guy comments, "The Olympics are about SPORTS, not POLITICS." I'm just a kid, and I've definitely not been out in the real world yet. But you know what? The Olympics ARE about politics. I don't understand how anyone would think that there ISN'T a huge political influence. And yeah, some of the judges may be biased, but who really cares? There are so many tiny things that can change an outcome, giving some people gold medals when maybe they deserve a silver. Or maybe they recieve a silver when they deserve a gold.

In the scheme of things, does any of that even matter?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


So I'm watching Picture This! or whatever on ABC Family and like half the people in it are from Degrassi so far. [That's a lie, but at least two of the main-ish characters are.] I don't know why that like... surprises me, but I'm always like "WTF? Weird..." Yeah. This isn't relevant. And the guy she's obsessed with is kind of ugly, to be honest.

Okay, WTF? You fell in a pool and you can't swim or something? Or are you doing that on purpose?

I wanna work in a pet store... Lisa's dog is really ugly. Who names a cat Andy? Who says "funky"? Uh. That guy probably wouldn't be able to get into law school in real life. He can't be 'perfect'; it's impossible.

I like her glasses though... And is she wearing that to school...? It's like pajamas. ... That's a SUCKY gift. "Guess what, hon! You get to LIVE WITH ME!" But she's kind of a jerk. I don't like her.

Are they seriously talking on the phone while walking together? I love his camera. Okay, you would so get like kicked out for drinking out of the fountain like that. I'd be all "STOP TAKING PICTURES OF ME." And who randomly says, "I like your laugh"? Uh, let's look at the text under the picture, dude. DAD. Can you read? Idiot.

I want more water. Purdy camera... He's so like cheating on his girlfriend. Okay, WHEN did they exchange phone numbers? Stalker much? He's like hiding in trees and taking pictures.

WTF? They're HUGGING? They've talked like twice. "I feel like I can be myself around you. And I like your eyes." That was STUPID and SO fake.

I so want a Girl Scout Cookie blizzard. Aren't Mac and Cheese crackers just like... cheese nips? Okay, hair dye commercial, that wasn't a question. I love how you like pawned your wedding ring. I'm not sure you can guarantee satisfaction. AW, IT'S JONATHON KENT! YOU DIED INSTEAD OF LANA AND NOW YOU'RE ON THIS WEIRD SHOW AND I MISS YOU.

Okay, how would you - okay, IT SAYS DAD!!! - lose your phone the FIRST day you got it? "I'll leave your name at the gate." Ass. No one says "sick music" and I dislike him. So he took her phone. She still has her computer... She could just IM people. Or video chat with them. Stupid. Okay, I love that it's always "no."

I love that the dad is actually smart. At least he actually let you out of the house and gave you your phone back. Brat. I hope she gets caught and is forced to live with her dad. I love how they all have video phones. I love how it's not obvious that he was just going to have sex with her and dump her anyway. Idiots. "A.A. meeting and then she's meeting Jennifer for a drink." That's brilliant.

Okay, who doesn't lock their cars? Not even kidding. "Marilyn Manson doesn't have blood!"

Commercials suck and this is SO pointless - the blog entry is way long and boring.

"Oh my God, I have butt-face!" ...She's like chugging that allergy stuff. My friend fell in a mall fountain once! They would SO get kicked out of the store. She changed clothes... If I were her dad, I'd be like "Did you bring a change of clothes...?" I love Bruce.

I feel horrible for them. It's like "my friend forced me to do this." And that TICKS me off. It's all "YEAH I'M SMART AND PRETTY AND GET EVERYTHING I WANT AND I CAN SING." God. ...I love concert people.

I don't get why having smooth legs leads to Walmart. Oh. That's stupid.

I just missed a HUGE part of the movie. Now they're dancing? And he's going to rape her. And she's like "uh, I don't want to have sex with you." Hey, at least there wasn't that cliche guy best friend that she falls in love with. I hope he tries to rape her and she's all "I DON'T LOVE YOU." Uh. Sorry, I like Tila Tequila a little too much. [I don't know if you'll understand that reference, but WHATEVER.] Creepy cult people; Manson's blood + curse = stupid.

I love how he's actually normal. Dude, that guy looked like Bob from The Hush Sound!

Okay, I'll bet you $1,000,000 she ends up with him in the end.

... Stupid.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I like that most people feel empty when it's sunny out.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

In Which I Ramble. Again. :)

I haven't updated this in like a billion years. :)

I'm the kind of the person that doesn't like talking to people, including cashiers. Especially in small places. It took me months to be able to talk normally to the guy at the CD store when I order my CDs. And now that I'm at my dad's and cut off from that CD store [since I'm in a different state...], I asked my step-sisters' cousin to ask his friends about local (small) music stores. xD I got some answers, but I think I might have to order stuff and I really really really hate talking to people, so that'll be something not so awesome. Nothing's awesome here except for the fact that one of my favorite bands is from here. But that's about the only awesome thing.


I miss people. [Which was to be expected, but whatever.] And I'm bored. [Which was also to be expected. It sucks anyway.]

Saturday, June 7, 2008

what would you do?

I should be packing, since I'm going to Italy tomorrow. Instead, I'm texting my friend about a movie we're going to see at 7:15, singing to music, and writing a blog entry...

So, yesterday around two, my mom took me over to my friend's house [we got lost on the way and got there late too xD]. We [as in me, my friend, two of my other friends, and my friend's friend] hung out until about seven, when we headed to the movie theater to see What Happens In Vegas. The first theater we were going to was sold out [wtf?] but we made it to another one on time and we were five of the nine people in the theater. Anyway. The movie was really good, and Carolina Liar had a song in it [WTF? I didn't even think they had a CD out yet... Okay, just checked and they do, but whatever.] Then we drove home [and watched the beginning of The Cutting Edge 3(?) in the car]. My friend's friend had to go, which kinda stunk, but I think she still had fun, so that's always good. =) So. We watched the rest of that movie in the trailer we were spending the night in. And then we watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure [which was most outstanding, by the way]. And one of my friends fell asleep. And then we watched Little Miss Sunshine. And then License to Wed [and dude, I totally hated all the characters in that movie]. And then Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey [which was totally non non non heinous]. Then my friend woke up, because it was about 6 or 7 AM by that time. And so we watched 27 Dresses. And when that was over, it was around 8:30, so we went inside and ate pancakes while watching 300. And then we played electronic Life until one. xD
  1. What Happens In Vegas
  2. The Cutting Edge 3
  3. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
  4. Little Miss Sunshine
  5. License to Wed
  6. Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
  7. 27 Dresses
  8. 300

I've never seen that many movies in 24 hours, let alone 12. xD And I'm going to see that new Adam Sandler movie at like 7:15 with my other friends tonight.

So. I haven't slept in 27 hours, I've watched 8 movies, and discovered that I really need to pack.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I miss horseback riding. A lot.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Moral Corruption in Oedipus the King

1. Backseat Goodbye is brilliant. =)
2. I hate exams, especially for preventing me from a concert that would have been awesome.
3. I don't understand algebra 2.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

WHAP = Enormously Pointless.

Am I ever going to use the information I "learned" this year in my AP World History class?


Even if I could remember it, it's never EVER going to be useful.

God, what a waste of a year.

Taking the national AP exam for it tomorrow, and I'm screwed! =)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I Hate Award Ceremonies

Listening to: Summer '79 by The Ataris
What I Should Be Doing: Titling my essay about the significance of small birds, reading Shooting an Elephant, and writing nice things about the kids in my algebra class

I don't wanna write my English essay.

Being a teenage girl kind of sucks, man. xD

I want sausage pizza right now...


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I just want to care about something. Like school.

It'd be nice to care about just ONE subject, whether it was academic or not. Unfortunately, that won't happen.

Which is how I know that I pretty much won't be happy for the rest of my life. So that's fun.

Always is.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Miss Those Awesome People...

My parents threw a party today. It's all good till people start hugging you and talking about your haircut and ordering you to light candles all at the same time.

Don't have school tomorrow, which is nice.

I'm exhausted though. This week was so insanely long.

I'm like too warm and too cold at the same time, and that's slightly gross.

Friday, April 18, 2008




Too bad I wasted those Whataburger mints on the bus...

Those are my favorites too. =(

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Emos + DDR = Cake?

What's up with emos and DDR? I don't get the connection...

Maybe it's only at the Gameworks near my house.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sweet Jesus.

Okay, Apple. I'm effing sick of your crap.

If I wanted Safari, I'd download it. Or I'd BUY A MAC. I don't want your ugly, slow, shitty browser with its ugly font on my computer, okay? 

Sure, I have iTunes on my laptop. Does that mean I automatically want Safari!? NO.

Get over yourselves. Seriously.

Now I'm off to undo the damage you've done. Add or Remove Programs, here I come.



*is so totally against Apple*

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

does not make friends easily, secretive, introverted, reclusive, observer, dislikes leadership, somewhat socially awkward, does not like to stand out, dislikes large parties, values solitude, solitary, avoidant, ambivalent about fitting in, not dominant, unassertive, suspicious, prudent, unadventurous, worrying, weird, intellectual, frequently second guesses self

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Why Do You Insist On Increasing Your Suckiness, Apple?

Listening to: Let U Go by Ashley Parker Angel [the 'U' in that makes me sick]
What I Should Be Doing: Reading for English
I'm Also: Gah, no time for this

Dude, every "update" Apple puts out for iTunes just messes mine up further. I didn't have any problems with it until I downloaded the update about three updates ago. And the more I update it, the less it works correctly. Same goes for software updates for my iPod.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spider Solitaire Is My New Addiction

Listening to: Not Your Concern by The Hush Sound
What I Should Be Doing: Sleeping
I'm Also: Looking up tour dates for bands

It's effing 4:46 AM, and instead of going to bed like a normal person, I'm reading random stories, debating on whether to go eat Frosted Cheerios dry or not, and checking out bands' MySpaces/official sites for tour dates.

MySpace sucks, by the way. The whole "let's automatically play music WHOO" thing makes me angry. It's like, "WTF IS THAT MUSIC?!" and then "Gah, now I have to turn off my iTunes or like wait for the player to load so I can effing turn it off." Plus the whole site's so SLOW... Though that may be my internet right now. =)

Jesus, "Official Fall Out Boy Website." Do you not understand "ENTER WEB SITE" or something?

Invisible Monsters is an awesome book. Goodbye Blues is an awesome CD. Horton Hears a Who is an awesome movie. The end.

I should go pick up my CD tomorrow/today, but screw that.

Stop being hungry, tummy. You were all "WKLTJLKJT!!! NOISE FEED ME!" during 2nd effing period, during my effing test. You were so effing loud, too... And I totally had effing breakfast, so I don't get it. It was an effing overflowing bowl of Frosted effing Cheerios. Sorry, I'm done. Carlos bought me a scone [haha, free food is awesome] and then Whitney and I went and talked to Whitney's brother and Rachel. Who's moving. POOP.



God, my sleeping schedule's gonna be screwed up. =)

You know who should tour? The Used. Seriously.

I'm seeing The Hush Sound and Motion City Soundtrack and Panic! at the Disco in like two weeks. I honestly could care less about Panic! though. I'm way more excited for the first two bands. I mean, I love Panic!, but they're new album is seriously just not them, so I'm kinda disappointed with them. Yeah, I like Pretty. Odd. for the most part, but it's just like "oh, new songs to listen to occasionally" not like "OH MY GOD, MUST PLAY OVER AND OVER BECAUSE IT'S SO EFFING GOOD." I had to listen to the effing CD like seven times before I decided I liked it. And I loved their first CD...


I'm sleepy. HAPPY 5 AM!!!


Friday, March 28, 2008

This Is A Party Without The People

Listening to: Find A Way by The Used
What I Should Be Doing: Editing pictures for my mom or something
I'm Also: Talking to Allie, looking at
names, and rating movies on Facebook

I think I'm the only person on Earth that doesn't like Monty Python. =\ My step-dad kept saying that I'd love Monty Python and The Holy Grail. And then, when I finally watched it, I hated it. It bored the heck out of me. I didn't think any of it was in the least bit funny, and I ended up leaving less than halfway through the movie... Maybe I really don't have a sense of humor. Ah well.

Gah, I'm in a bad mood and it's too warm.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wait, "learning?" What's that?

Listening to: Drunk Girl by Something Corporate
What I Should Be Doing: Finishing up history, brushing my teeth, and going to bed
I'm Also: Talking to Allie, reading journals on, and playing Spider Solitaire [my new addiction]

I picked up Panic! at the Disco's Pretty. Odd. and Something Corporate's Leaving Through The Window today. I also saw Horton Hears a Who again [love that movie!] and had ice cream with my friends. =) All in all, it was a pretty good day.

I'm comfortable talking to the guy that owns/runs the CD store, and I'm comfortable talking to the girl that is sometimes there instead of him, but I'm not comfortable talking to either of them when they're in the same room. I don't know why, so don't ask.

It was like 90 effing degrees. I mean, I know that's normal for where I live, but I was so used to the 40-50s... I almost forgot how gross sweating is.

Wuh-oah... I spent like $72 today. $20 for movie tickets, $20 for ice cream, $32 for my CDs... Dang.

I know how to budget/save my money, but there's always stuff I want. [T-shirts, CDs, concert tickets...]

I don't like Pretty. Odd. even half as much as I liked A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, but whatever. It's okay, just not great. Doesn't really catch my attention.

I'm way too shy sometimes. Like, I can't even talk to the CD store guy when there are people I don't know in there. And I hate ordering food at restaurants/fast food places/ice cream shops. And I absolutely DESPISE talking on the phone. And if I don't have at least one friend in a class, I won't say ANYTHING. Unless it's like guitar. But I've known my teacher for like 5 years. Then again, I didn't talk to him for like the first two. xD

Friday, March 21, 2008


Listening to: Make It Count by Holiday Parade
What I Should Be Doing: Growing up and getting over life.
I'm Also: Fighting a headache, watching George Lopez, and talking to Allie and Anna

I like to please people. But I hate people at the same time...

I don't understand society. It gives me a headache.

This break has been one of the worst breaks ever. That trip to Chicago was a huge waste of time... I wish I had been here staying up till 6 AM and sleeping till 2 PM, instead of being forced to sleep at midnight and waken at 8 AM for the free buffet.

I don't know who I am. Or understand myself.

Go die, Boys Like Girls. First of all, WTF is up with your band name? Are you saying that boys like girls or that you are boys that are like girls? Because if it's the first, you're kind of off. And if it's the second, you have issues. Second, WTF is that song Hero/Heroine? You can't sing. You sound like a dying cat. Get over it. Yeah, I'll admit to liking 3 of their songs, but Jesus.

Simple Plan > Boys Like Girls. And I don't like Simple Plan that much, man...

George Lopez is secretly the best show on TV. *nods*

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do You Have Any Idea How Much I Want To Go To Warped Tour? NO.

[3-19-08; 1:45 PM]
Listening to: Invisible Monsters by Motion City Soundtrack and my dad talking on the phone
What I Should Be Doing: Nothing much. Reading maybe.
I'm Also: Playing Solitaire and wishing that I could blow my nose and that I hadn't finished my water

I'm sitting here in the car with my family, on the way back from Chicago. My legs are bothering me, but whatever.

I think Saryn got me sick. Or something. I dunno. All I know is that my nose is seriously stuffed up and runny at the same time, my throat's killing me, and my head's fuzzy-hurting. And The Everglow by Mae is a seriously good song.
I think I'm annoying people by typing, but whatever.

I finally bought Invisible Monsters. We were shopping in Chicago, and my sisters and step-mom went into H&M. There was a Borders right next to it, so we went there afterward. I bought Twilight ['cause SO many people have recommended that series to me] and Invisible Monsters [FINALLY]. I'm excited to start reading them, but I have The Winds of War and The Wizard Heir to finish, too... And I need to finish The Wizard Heir before March 27 'cause it's a library book. Ah well.

It smells like chapstick, and my tummy's bothering me now.

I kinda want to play my DS, but I have SUCKY games... I want to play Okami when we get home, but they moved the PS2, and it's in the game room now, and I think the children are gonna be all "GH3ROCKBANDSINGSTAR!!!1one!!!1"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

he says she's going back home.

Listening to: No Other One by Weezer
What I Should Be Doing: Showering or reading or flossing or something
I'm Also: Fighting a headache, wishing I had water, trying to kill writer's block, and watching Degrassi

It's spring break, and I'm not excited at all.

I got a $50 iTunes gift card as a [really] early Easter present though, so at least I'm happy about that. Even if I do still want 82 more songs.

I want to write, but I can't. Gah.

I hate myself for forgetting my iPod at my mom's.
The only time I forget it is spring break when I'll be spending like six hours in the car. WTF is up with that!?


I think too much. Especially about people.

I just want life to stop.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why Can't People Spell...?

I hate adults that refuse to make eye contact with you when they're talking. It's like "Yeah, I'm a kid, but y'know, I can understand you. I'm listening."

Freshman year was the best year of my life.
Summer between freshman and sophomore years was the worst summer of my life.
Sophomore year is the worst year of my life.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Dear Lord, driving's so much more fun when Manola's the one "teaching" me.

We're flying through the night.

I've had 'run, baby, run, don't ever look back' stuck in my head for like two weeks.

I assumed it was by Run Kid Run, because the band name and the lyrics are like parallel. [Stupidest logic EVER but whatever.] But it's Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings, so. xD

I've officially been converted to wearing Vans. Last year and all summer, it was all about the Converse, and now... I only wear my Converse to concerts.

That's depressing but whatever. =)


That's all I have to say.

This is what my life's like.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

it's hard to secretly eat oreos when you're wearing chapstick

Holy shit.

Occasionally, I check out the 'That's Really Weak' music blog on Yahoo! Music. It's usually boring stuff about Britney Spears and American Idol that I skim through. That's what I did this week, except I read this paragraph:

"First, the infant daughter of rapper Juvenile was tragically gunned down last weekend, allegedly by his babymama's 17-year-old son. Our condolences go out to Juvenile's entire family at this difficult time."

That's so awful. I'm not even kidding...

I can't even begin to imagine how horrible the family must feel... Or how messed up that 17 year old must be.

These are the reasons I lose faith in society.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Someone Explain Why I Like 18th Century Satire...

I just absolutely adore some people.
And freaking despise others.

I just want someone to figure out what's wrong with me.
Why do I care so little about so much?

I want a book to read and a CD to import.
I want to find Invisible Monsters and pick up Two Shoes.

I want it to be April, but I don't want to hear about my sister's new "concert experiences."
Why am I jealous?

I was going to go to a local show tonight, but my friends all bailed.
Yet I still feel like I have plans.

I wish it would rain.
I like the sounds cars make on the wet pavement.

Acoustic guitars > electric guitars.
Unless you're like [insert any of the bands I listen to here] or something.

Jordan Stewart is absolutely brilliant.
I want to find his book also, but I get the feeling the little book store a few blocks down won't have it.

I'm running out of money.
$50 for Mom's birthday present, $10 for my The Cat Empire CD, $20 for a new book...

I only have $100...
I miss the time when that seemed like a lot.

At least I saved $10 I was going to spend on the cover charge for the local show.
I get to keep $10 and write depressing blog entries.

Good deal.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

So Here's To Being Alone

Listening to: The City That Reads (Acoustic) by The Graduate
What I Should Be Doing: Reading the last 10 pages of chapter 29 in my history book and sleeping
I'm Also: Playing solitaire

Honestly, The City That Reads is my favorite song right now. It's just like brilliance in 4 minutes and 25 seconds. And it was free. =)
That's a link to The Graduate's AbsolutePunk profile. They have a link to download the EP there. It's pretty much amazing, so you should check it out.

I've downloaded a bunch of free EPs/CDs lately, and I'm pretty happy with all of them. Free music from MySpace and Facebook's pretty awesome too.

I'm just on a free music spree at the moment. =P

I want 103 songs right now. I've got no iTunes money, so I'm pretty much going to be waiting until May 13.

In about 6 hours, I took 7 and a half pages of notes on chapters 27-29 of my history book [which is effing awful by the way], and I'm STILL not finished.

Bad habits.

I want to go to the book store so badly...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Operator, I Can't Hold Much Longer

I was listening to Nobody Puts Baby in The Corner, and my tummy just got warm. Like, happy warm on the inside. Patrick's voice makes so dang happy for no effing reason.

I miss those sugar cigarettes. Y'know, that candy you buy in convenience stores, with the red tips?

Sometimes I hate how much music influences my moods.

It's quiet now, and I'm sad. Not crying-sad, just calm-sad. It's my default mood or something.

I don't want to do my math homework, but I have guitar tomorrow. Wednesday night's the only time I do my math homework at home.

Pencils are fun to chew on...

I'm plannin - never mind, I can't do anything this weekend.

Next weekend, I'm planning on walking to the CD store [with someone maybe? I wonder if I could bring my dog. Does Brent let dogs in there...?] to buy/order a Something Corporate CD. And then I'm going to the bookstore across the street to try to find Invisible Monsters, 'cause I'm a loser and want to read that. I blame Motion City Soundtrack, but whatever.


Powerspace Snap Bracelet is the only whole song I heard by Powerspace on Saturday. I'm glad I left though, 'cause listening to this makes my stomach drop, while their other songs are still good.

I'm so so sick of the YouTube community.

I just realized I'm typing this in "Edit HTML" mode. God, I miss 8th grade computer class.

I realized the other day that I talk to myself because I want someone to talk to. And that makes me feel so empty.

I had sushi last night, and for about six hours after dinner, I could taste it in my mouth. I should've gone with the shrimp in those california rolls.

I wish I understood the term 'time management' and that my videos turned out the way I wanted.

I should do math instead of sitting here looking at the blank paper.

Why is it that on CDs, the non-singles are always better than the singles...?


So tired all the time.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Overdramatic Kids + Internet = The YouTube Community

Listening to: Lullaby by The Cat Empire
What I Should Be Doing: Doing homework, sleeping
I'm Also: Trying to upload a video to YouTube and replying to comments

I chew on things I'm not s'posed to chew on. xD

I overreacted, and I still love Powerspace. I'm gonna try to see them next time they come [which may be never, but whatever], 'cause yesterday was just bad, and I think that's why I was so angry/disappointed.

My back hurts.


I should be doing homework right now but I'm not. Don't you feel special? :)

Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate are both really awesome, and I wish I had figured this out earlier.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Powerspace Makes Me Want to Kick 11 Year Olds and Cuss People Out

Powerspace fucking sucks.
Like, they were one of my favorite bands EVER, and I left after ONE song.

- My heels hurt like fuck from standing on them/tapping my foot for two hours.
- I wasted $15 on a ticket to see them, and $30 for my friends' [who didn't go] tickets.
- The girl I spit on jumped ON my feet about six times.
- I scuffed my awesome shoes [the converse with like seven signatures].
- This REALLY hairy guy stood in front of me, and I couldn't see anything for like ten minutes.
- I learned that Powerspace is a band full of fucking losers [for example: they spent like five minutes talking about leaving on the same street as the bands they were touring with, the same block as Kanye West, and having barbecues with them all].
- Simply listening to Powerspace made me want to 1. kick the girl in front of me really hard and 2. cry.
- I smell like cigarette smoke.
- People TOUCHED me.
- I tried to take pictures during the first song [they sucked, but I thought that maybe they'd get better and that I should just take pictures while I waited for them to NOT suck], and the fucking 11 year olds in front of me were all "LET'S HOLD OUR CAMERAS ON OUR HEADS AND TAKE PICTURES EVEN THOUGH WE'RE AT THE VERY FRONT!!!"
- I haven't been this mad at people in a really long time.
- I wasted $30 on a hoodie that I'll probably never wear, because Powerspace FUCKING SUCKS.
- Tom WHATEVER dyed his hair BLOND.
- Whenever a band came on, the 11 year olds would scream for the lead singer or the one they thought was "hott" and NONE of the other guys. It's a BAND, losers. IT'S ABOUT THE MUSIC.
- My tummy hurt and I honestly thought I was going to vomit about four times.
- While I was waiting for Powerspace to come on, I chewed on my water bottle until my mouth tasted like blood.
- The fucking 11 year olds constantly took pictures of each other and BLINDED THE HELL OUT OF ME.
- I wasted 2 hours and 45 minutes of my LIFE.
- I honestly just want to punch Alec CWHATEVERYOURNAMESUCKS in the face.
- I have one less poster on my wall.

- Their merch guy/tour manager was nice, and he was wearing a This Providence T-shirt.
- The hoodie I spent 30 fucking dollars on is cool looking.
- I was introduced to/saw Fairview.
- I got to yell at a girl that hit a woman with a water bottle. ["HEY BITCH, YOU HIT A LADY. I MEAN, LIKE, AN ADULT. NOT COOL. NOT COOL."]
- I got to spit on a girl that was friends with the girl that hit the lady with a water bottle.
- I took two pictures of the REALLY hairy guy, and he moved.
- I got to growl at a guy because he took my spot.

Now that I've deleted Powerspace from my iTunes, my favorite bands section on Facebook, my favorite bands section on YouTube, my favorite bands section on absolutepunk, thrown my phone at the wall, thrown the fucking $30 hoodie at the hangers in my closet, and torn up my ticket and my wristband, I'm contemplating selling The Kicks of Passion back to Brent.

Hopefully he'll take such a sucky CD back.

I doubt it. It's just too filled with SUCK.


Listening to: the fan on my laptop
What I Should Be Doing: texting my friend about the concert tonight
I'm Also: trying not to cry, trying to decide what to do

I've been waiting for tonight for like two months, and now that it's here, I don't even want to go to the concert.

I know from experience that concerts by yourself aren't really that fun.

Today has been long.

Birthday party, funeral, concert?

I'll just feel awkward, 'cause I'll be there by myself.

Plus I don't know whether my friends are going to want to do something else tonight, if they need a distraction.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Listening to: Bob by NOFX
What I Sh - It's a 3 day weekend.
I'm Also: Talking to Anna, updating Facebook, and thinking about going to play The Sims 2.

Three day weekends officially suck. =)

Yesterday was good, but not like "yesterday was so good!" More like a tiny bit better than average. I mean, I got to see Lindsey, so that's cool. And I got to go to one of my favorite events in my city so that was cool. But I wasn't even happy last night like I am when it's been a good day.

Harvey Danger's awesome. At least their CD Little by Little is. Well, I haven't listened to all of it yet, but I really like the stuff I have heard. It's free; go download it from their site.

Tomorrow's gonna be worse than today, and today was pretty awful. :)

My mom told me earlier "to make the most of the weekend," but I won't. I never do. I always end up doing nothing and wishing I had and sulking and being enormously unhappy.

I feel like I'm never happy.

I put the songs from The Sims 2 on my iPod and I haven't listened to one of them [Look Alive] since December 28, 2006. Beautiful, isn't it?

I had a ton of junk food yesterday and today, but now I want like ice cream.

I think my parents are worried about me.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Ainslee, Erase That Right Now!"

Listening to: It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade
What I Should Be Doing: Charging my phone or sleeping
I'm Also: Talking to Allie, yawning, playing Solitaire, hiding from people, writing

I'm s'posed to go to the mall tomorrow with my buddies. =) I hope we do, 'cause I haven't seen Lindsey and Lauren since before finals. And that sucks. So. Yes.

Dang it, I'm going to go charge my phone.

Secondhand Serenade's like my new favorite band, except really not. I've just been listening to slow[er]/calm songs recently.

Sometimes I worry about society. There are really good examples of what's wrong with society on YouTube. There are also really good examples of what's awesome about society on YouTube.


Some people are just so brilliant that it just makes me enormously happy. Those people just make my day. They're usually the hysterically funny people too for some reason.

Supposed To Be There Too [Mike Park] = Brilliance. The beginning reminds me of a world in Kingdom Hearts. I can't remember which one it is though.


I swear I'm actually like four years old.

Okay. Sure, breast cancer needs to be cured. BUT so does every other kind of cancer. What about the people with stomach cancer? The ones with tumors in their brains? What do we do with them? Ignore them while we raise money for the people with breast cancer? It's great that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure has raised awareness and money. But seriously. How many times have you heard about lung cancer in the past month?



Diane Wilson came to talk to our school the other day. She was interesting to listen to, but I'm not sure I agree. I really don't know much about what she was talking about though, so maybe that's why. Uh. She talked about going on a hunger strike for 4 months, and NOBODY got that. For the next two days, EVERYONE was talking about how it was possible to not eat for four months. Someone said they switched out. Which I think is stupid and not impressive at all. Someone else said they just drank liquids. Which is more impressive unless the liquids are milkshakes and smoothies. Another person said they just ate bread and water. Which is not impressive, because they're still eating.

Eh. I don't understand myself.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

titles are overrated. so's capitilization.

I miss Lindsey and Lauren and Manola all at once.

And I want biscuits from KFC.
When I say I worry about society, I'm not excluding myself.

Living in Fast Forward = Not Fun.

Listening to: Class Reunion (That Used to Be Us) by Lonestar
What I Should Be Doing: Driver's Ed or Homework or sleeping
I'm Also: Reading fan fiction and backing up the files on my computer

I don't know what's wrong with me. Today, I wanted to cry about four times for absolutely no reason. I didn't cry any of the times, but I really wanted to.

You know when you get into somebody else's car and it just smells different? I want that feeling right now.

I kind of hate myself this year. And I - I just want to go back to last year.

I start listening to Kenny Chesney when I kind of want to cry.

I'm oh-so-jealous of The Academy Is... I just want to hug them all. =( I don't even know why, I'm just like 'YOU'RE MY HERO!' Eh.

Powerspace in 13 days. I should really figure out what their name's are... *shame*

Friday, February 8, 2008

What Exactly IS Castor Oil Anyway...?

Listening to: The fan on my computer
What I Should Be Doing: Washing my face
I'm Also: Playing Solitaire, reading fan fiction, and checking my e-mail

Anna's sick and didn't come to school today, and Whitney left during lunch, because she has the flu. Anna's not sure what she has, but it's possible she also has the flu.

I don't want the flu. =(

I feel awful for them both though. Anna sounds absolutely miserable, and Whitney's turning 16 this Sunday. So that seriously sucks, man.

Uh... I'm EXHAUSTED right now. Like, I'm half-asleep as I type this.

I'm wearing headphones, but I haven't listened to anything in like five hours...?

Today, in Latin, I learned that castor oil may have been made of stuff from beaver testicles? But maybe not. So, ew.

Okay. I'm off to wash my face and then I'm gonna try to write a tiny bit and then I'm going to bed.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

So, Is This What You Wanted? Too Bad, It's What You Got.

Listening to: You're Making It Come Alive by My Favorite Highway
What I Should Be Doing: my assignment for digital video, studying for my WHAP/Algebra 2 tests, doing Algebra 2 test corrections, doing my Chem problems, sleeping
I'm Also: Talking to Anna and Whitney, wishing YouTube would load, trying not to cry, and missing Allie

I kind of hate life right now.

I've sworn off all mainstream music that I don't already know about. [I'm still gonna listen to FOB, but I'm not going to check out Cobra Starship or any new bands.]

I can't talk about music to anyone. Ever. It only leads to crappy crappy situations.

Plane rides suck.

So does digital video.

And life.

I'm getting really sick of everything.

Every single one of my classes is pointless. Seriously. I can't think of ONE thing I'll actually use EVER.

Guitar class has become more like a therapy session.

I hate crying, but I've done it so much this year... I miss last year so much it's not even funny.

I hate musically diverse people.

This weekend was awful, especially because we had Friday off. I just slept through it and then went to the airport.

Complete crap.

I want three CDs, and I'm going to have to walk down to the CD store alone to order them.

I spent the last of my iTunes money on Thursday night.

The more I think about it, the worse I feel.

I guess I should stop thinking. I mean, that's how I got through two funerals in two weeks.

I want to go to my concert. I'll be hanging out with two of my best friends and seeing one of my favorite bands all at once, so it should be good. It better be.

I'm sick of feeling so alone.

My mom blames everything on my dad, but... I don't think that's the problem. I like my dad better than her.

Why was I so happy last year? I don't even remember being happy before that.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers suck.

I - I need to do my homework.

But I don't know how to correct Algebra 2, do any of the Chem problems I have left, B.S. digital video, or study for history.



Stalker flight attendants are really scary.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Where's the Fan Remote When You Need It? *mental breakdown*

I'm Listening to: ...But What Will They Say? by This Providence
What I Should Be Doing: Sleeping.
I'm Also: Playing Solitaire, reading fanfiction, and replying to comments on my YouTube videos

I have one video with 49,487 views at the moment. It also has 205 comments. It's been up for about a year and two months, and I'm still getting comments on it... It's kinda annoying, but hey, at least people are watching it, right? xD


I love getting feedback on my videos, especially from insanely brilliant people. Seriously, man. I didn't know people were these dang awesome. :)


It's refreshing to find people that don't use capitalization/punctation AND are actually intelligent. It's amazing, actually. Restores my faith in society.

My alt key's falling off still.

I think Slash is overrated, and I'm addicted to Even though I don't post. I just read the forums... Sad? Oh yes.

My sisters just came in, covered me with circular stickers, and then left.

Uh. Yeah.

In the dreams I've had lately, I text my friend Lauren. It's weird. Maybe I feel like texting her?

2:27 - 2:36 of Poetic Tragedy is BRILLIANT. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT.

Ugh. I can't stop saying brilliant...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Bang, Bang, Shoot 'Em Up, Yeah

Listening to: 30 seconds of Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! at the Disco
What I Should Be Doing: Washing my face, changing into pajamas, and going to bed
I'm Also: Wishing my lips weren't so chapped

I want to read, but I feel like I never have time.

It's great, because I can't figure out how to buy Panic!'s new single, so I'm listening to like the preview. *dull look* I'm just like clicking 'Nine in the Afternoon - Single' like a billion times and it keeps taking me to the album pre-order page. Go die, iTunes.

I'm STARVING for some reason. Seriously. It's not like I didn't eat dinner.

Sorry, NOFX, I can't afford your song right now. I promise I'll buy it later. Maybe. I lied. I can afford it. But now I kind of want to buy The Mixed Tape by Jack's Mannequin instead of Bob by NOFX. Ah well. GAWD, iTUNES! MUST YOU BE SO STUPID!? Just buy the freaking songs. *pout* ... I've been sitting here messing with iTunes for like 40 minutes, and I can't effing buy the songs. FINALLY. Apple's pretty screwed up, man.

ANYWAY. Today, this guy with crazy sideburns and long hair that my parents randomly know [...?] thought my brother was a girl. It was SERIOUSLY HILARIOUS. Though Hunter was NOT happy. =) I think he heard me and my sister laughing when he was leaving and he came back to apologize and was all "It's cool that you have long hair."

Uh. Yeah. :)

*gasp!* Only 2 smileys!

Hopefully I'm getting better at that.

I'm trying to get into smaller bands [yeah, again], so I looked at what lists of 'indie bands.' There were a few I was like "Uh, not indie" and a few I was like "GOD THIS SUCKS," but I'm not very far in, and there've been at least three good ones. So. Maybe it'll get easier.

One of the bands didn't sell their songs on iTunes, and it's not on Limewire, so I dunno where to get it, and I like it. =(

Three smileys.

The title's Anna's fault, because I keep buying Cobra Starship's random singles. They're just that amazing. Well, the ones I've listened to. Which isn't many. But she loves the band, so I'm assuming they're that amazing. Yeah. Uh. *dances*

Monday, January 28, 2008

"Next Time You Be The Bait!"

Listening to: For the Longest Time by Sherwood
What I Should Be Doing: ENGLISH! AND CHEM!
I'm Also: ... Doing nothing, actually.

So I skipped a song on iTunes when it's minimized to my start bar, right? Okay.

I'm waiting for the song. And waiting. And waiting. I can faintly hear crickets, and I'm thinking "WTF?" [I'm overusing that now. *whine*]

Then, just as I'm about to maximize the window and figure out what song it is, I hear this loud roaring noise. And screaming.



As much as I love the music video for A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me, I wish it wouldn't RANDOMLY play on my iTunes. =(